Saturday, September 02, 2006

Give Google Base Some Feedback

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Preeti Uberoy wrote in the Google Base Blog that they are looking for new ideas and feedback on their current ones

As a member of the Google Base Support Team, one of the things I enjoy is watching Google Base improve according to the feedback that we get from content providers like you. One of my main job responsibilities is to report your suggestions and comments to our engineers, and make sure that we make the changes that you recommend.

Most of the recent developments of Google Base, in fact, are responses to requests from users. For example, people used to write in asking for a way to track the success of the items they submitted to Google Base. We worked hard to develop this functionality, and the reporting statistics that you can now see in your account are a direct result. We've made more minor adjustments in response to your suggestions as well. The sample Excel files that are now available with the bulk upload instructions for standard item types, for instance, were the idea of people like you, to make the upload process as easy as possible.

So, imagine being the guy that wanted to upload a PowerPoint to his post, then submitting feedback and then getting the "bulk upload" feature. I bet people have some good ideas and they should be shared. Especially with the people who can develop them.

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